Evy Timothy
Fine Art Painting
I used that magnificant peacock tail as my motif to explore color combinations and various designs. I began with the single peacocks, moved on to repetition with the row of peacocks and finished with the highly stylized peacock with its swirly tail feathers. I very much enjoy the variety of color and the lines. HOVER over a painting for information. These images are cropped. CLICK a painting to see the full painting and details.
4X6" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
6x4" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
4x6" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
6x4" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
4x6" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
4x6" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
4x6" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
6x4" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
6x4" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $20
8x8" acrylic on wood, complete with a stand for tabletop display. $30
10x8" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $25
10x8" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $25
10x8" acrylic on canvas, complete with a clear tabletop display frame. $25
12x12" acrylic on wood panel, complete with a white wood frame, ready for hanging. $50
16x12" acrylic on canvas, comlete with white matte and frame, ready for hanging. $200
17x8" acrylic on wood, complete with a stand for tabletop display. $45
17x8" acrylic on wood, complete with a stand for tabletop display. $45
11x14" acrylic on canvas, complete with white matte and frame. Image size on the canvas is 6x6". $35
Detail of 6x6" image